Sonntag, 31. Oktober 2010

Das leben ist hart. Niemand wird dich fragen ob es ok ist wenn das Leben auch mal unfair ist! Niemand wird dich nach deiner Meinung fragen denn du bist nur ein kleiner Schauspieler in dem Theater das sich Leben nennt!

Das Leben ist wie ein Spiel, dabei gibt es nur den Unterschied das es die geilere Grafik hat. 


Du bist die Person die es immer wieder schafft mir ein Lächeln ins Gesicht zu zaubern..

Baby, I need you in my life! 

iloveyou ♥

Samstag, 30. Oktober 2010

Brother, you are my everything!

There are over 2 million people in the world. And no one mean so much to me like you. You're such a beautiful person! And you're always there if I need you. And I would like to show how important you are to me. You know t already but, you are my everything!!

Dienstag, 26. Oktober 2010


It hurts.


I am always wondering what is the meaning of life. To find someone who is willing to go with you through life - maybe? I don't know, who knows something like this?Why do you have eyes if you do not see?Why do you have a heart, if not you love?What are you living for? This is life and no one can dictate to you how you want to live there!

Montag, 25. Oktober 2010

Fuck Up Asshole! I don't need you in my fucking life!

There is nothing more to talk about. Fuck that what is now. Containing just the face and go out of my life. Do you think I am dependent on you? No, you thought wrong. There is simply nothing more to talk over. -} Find yourself with as you will not get the proper answers! Fuck up asshole!
I haven't been home for a while. I'm sure, everything ist the same. Mom and Dad both in denial and only jump to make a blame. A walking Disaster, the Son of all Bastards. You regret you made me, it's to late to save me.

I'll wait here forever, just to... to see your smile.'Cause it's true - I am nothin' without You. Trough it all, I made my mistakes  -  I stumble and fall but I mean these words.

i'm so sorry - part 2 !

It's so hard to say that I'm sorry I'll make everything alright. All these things that I've done. Now what have I become, and where'd I go wrong? I don't mean to hurt just to put you first. I won't tell you lies. I will stand accused with my hand on my heart. I'm just trying to say -I'm sorry. It's all that I can say. You mean so much and I'd fix all that I've done. If I could start again I'd throw it all away to the shadows of regrets. And you would have the best of me.
I know that I can't take back all of the mistakes, but I will try. Although it's not easy I know you believe me cause I would not lie. Don't believe their lies, told from jealous eyes, they don't understand. I won't break your heart - I won't bring you down. But I will have to say I'm sorry! It's all that I can say.

what a shit day :/

Today was such a shit day. I wonder why I have sent applications for 2 weeks in the hospital! I'm a day already and I do not feel like it.come home an hour ago and now waiting for Jonny. Then smoke a cigarette first.

Sonntag, 24. Oktober 2010

oh and!

I forgot to tell you 
that I have 
stretched my ear 
next to 16 millimeter. (:

00:45 - tomorrow Internship.

Now go to bed and sleep. I have to get up in 4 1 / 2 hours. Tomorrow will hopefully be a good day. First internship at a hospital. In my break then hopefully go to high school over and talk little.I will tell you more tomorrow. Good night.

B.o.B - Magic ! 
Looking forward to it.

Tomorrow we have internship and I get up in 41 / 2 hours again.} i'm glad to know you

Please, tell  me why i'm so jealousy. Is it fear? The fear of losing you? Or is it a sign of true love? I do not know. Jealousy is always there. If I see you with another girl, when you write a lot with other girls. It is the fear of losing you! And also a sign of true love, right? Honey, losing you is the worst of what could happen.Even if I do not lose that fear is always there.  ______________________I can not leave easily. Sorry.


And I want you to know I love you. About everything. I would change everything for you. I'm so glad to have found you. We already knew before we came together. We were best friends. And now I'm glad that's all happened. Baby, I can not say it often enough but I love you, I'm so glad to have you.

& after all - you are my wonderwall (: 

I love you Max :*

}sie liebt ihn. sie liebt ihn.

sie liebt ihn.sie liebt ihn.sie liebt ihn.}L&M♥can't say go.can't say go.Sometimes when we fight I think maybe I should just let you leave and push you out of my life
I don't decide, 'cause I know that I just can't survive without you and I know it's hard,
 I'll never let you go 'cause I'm sure you're the one eventrough the rain it's clear that you're the one I want and no matter how we fuss and fight, boy You should always know I just can't stop lovin' you


}so happy to be yours

W h e n   i   f i r s t   s a w   y o u,  I ' d   n e v er   t h o u g h t   t h a t    
i would love you, like the way i love you n o w}

Baby please don't go - ich schreib zur zeit echt total gern auf englisch diese einträge (:

Come, break me down.. bury me. I'm finished with you. Look in my eyes, you're killing me. All I wanted was you. I tried to be someone else. But nothing seemed to change. I know, now this is who i really am inside. Finally found myself, fighting for a chance. I know now, this is how I really am.
This is how I really am.______This is how I really am.______This is how I really am. 
Baby please don't go- Baby please don't go.

What if I'm wanted to break. Laugh it all off in your face. What would you do? What if I fell to the floor - couldn't take this anymore. What would you do? What I wanted to fight, beg for the rest of my life. What would you do? You have say that you wanted more.. Well, what are you wainting for? I'm not running from you!! Do you want to be different? It's a beautiful lie. It's the perfect denial. Such a beautiful lie to believe in, so beautiful, beautiful it makes me.

Please, tell me that everything's gonna be allright!

Here we are, in the best years of our lifes. With no way of knowing, when the wheels stop spinning cause we don't know where we're going... and here we are, on the best day of our lifes. And it's a go, lets make it last, so cheers you all to that, 'cause this moment's never comin' back.Just gonna stand there and hear me cry. But that's alright because I love the way you lie.You ever love somebody so much, you can barely breathe when you're with them. You meet, and neither one of you even know what hit 'em.That was yesterday - Yesterday is over - It's a different dayNow you get to watch her leave out the window #Guess that's why they call it window pane---
Now I know we said things did things that we didn't mean and we fall back into the same patterns, same routine but your temper's just as bad as mine is you're the same as me but when it comes to love you're just as blinded.  You think that you can get away with it!?-NO WAY!Guess, you ain't heard that we swallow guys.It's too damn late ,to apologize.When you see the mantle or when you see the skies.-
And you don't even ask how I'm doin' or something like that.Please don't tell me that's true because I love you-
Just tell me the truth and take me to a beautiful place where we are alone.
Sometimes I wonder if I deserve you at all or if you deserve me-Right now it goes UP AND DOWN and I don't know If I want that at all.
I think you just don't realize how much I love you and that is the problem about the whole thing.
i love you so much.
i love you so much.i love you so much.i love you so much.
I love it when I can be close to you, just be myself. if you're not with me I miss your near and I have such longing for you.



Samstag, 23. Oktober 2010

Just GOOO!

Wir müssen uns vor Augen halten, dass wir unsere Vergangenheit selbst gestalten und zwar durch das, was wir heute tun.}
Just go.GO - - - }

Max Max Max Max Max !


Ouh, Baby - du bist Liebe. Du bist so unbeschreiblich toll! Ich liebe dich!

Yeah, my Life is a Bitch!

t's a little too late to say that you're sorry now.You kicked me when I was down,        fuck what you say.Just don't hurt me.It doesn't hurt me,no more.Keep         on knocking but you won't knock me down.
No Love lost,no Love found. 
What goes around comes around.And I don't need you no more.I'm alive again,more alive than I've been in my whole life.You showed me nothing         but hate you ran me into the ground.No Love lost no Love found.

You mean a lot to me!

You think that you're just a person for me.But that's not true.Your much more.You're so wonderful.I'm so happy that I know you.When I see you,not only my face smileys,my heart smileys too.It's just unbelievable.Because now I know,that not only that one person made me smile.You can also make me smile.And I also know now that there are other persons that love me,like you do.Not only that one person.I'm more confident about myself.But the future could be a obstacle for us.I'm really worried about that.You have to understand me.

 You mean a lot to me - - -

wrong way

Nur du allein, kannst gut machen was andere zerstört haben.
Freunde sind nunmal das Wichtigste im Leben.
Erst wenn du richtig in der Scheiße steckst und Hilfe brauchst,
erst dann merkst du, wer deine Freunde sind und wer sie niemals wahren.
Du wirst sehen, wahre Freunde kannst du an der Hand abzählen.

i'm so sorry !

Es tut mir Leid, ich wollte Dich nicht so verletzten.
Es fühlt sich echt jedentag falsch an.
Aber ich habe auf mein Herz gehört, sorry.

es tut mir leid!
{- ich hoffe derjenige weiß, das er gemeint ist!
{Martin} <-

Dienstag, 19. Oktober 2010

It Hurts <'3

18102010, dieser Tag ist sowas von nicht schön. :'(
It sucks, Dude.

Stimpy man, wieso gerade jetzt? Ich weiß nicht wieso, aber nun bist du weg, für immer.
Als ich dich rausnehmen wollte & in den Stall sah - du so da gelegen hast. So atemlos so unbeweglich.
Ich schaute genauer hin & dann sah ich das du nichtmehr lebst.
Ich saß stundenlang vor deinem Stall, starrte dich an & habe geweint. :'(
Wenn ich dieses eine Lied hören, immer kommen mir da die Tränen. Da kann ich sein wo auch immer ich will, ich brauch nur dieses Lied zu hören & es schmerzt. :'(

Rest In Peace Baby - I miss you - Stimpy - 18102010. 

You are my wonderwall! <'3

Freitag, 15. Oktober 2010

Fuck You !

*-* Ja bitte.

18 - 18 - 18 !

12.1O.2O1O //

Just gonna stand there and watch me burn.
Thats allright, because I like the way it hurts.
Just gonna stand there and here me cry.
Thats allright, because I love the way you lie.


William Fitzsimmons - Funeral Dress.

Dieser Freitag war echt gelungen muss ich sagen. Erst Besuch da gewesen, dann Linde nen Weilchen mit Felix & co. Später dann noch mit Angelo getroffen & nun im Bett liegen, Musik hören & bloggen. ♥
Nebenbei bemerkt - ich bin so glücklich zur zeit *-*
Dieses Lied noch dazu. Ich fang gleich an zu weinen, eh! (:

(Y) weißte warum? - weil ichs kann! :b

Manche Menschen kommen einfach nicht klar mit ihren Problemen. Lassen sie an anderen aus. Manche Menschen können es nicht akzeptieren, wenn Schluss ist. Sind dann stinkig auf andere, die dann mit dir abhängen Tag für Tag für Tag. Aber weißte, es ist mir scheißegal - was du denkst über mich. Wie ihr denkt über mich, ist mir wayne. Ich weiß was ich will & zieh das auch durch. Eure behinderte scheiße könnt ihr euch sonstwohin stecken! Interessiert mich nicht. :) & wisst ihr warum? -weil ichs kann-

glücklich ! ♥

Travie McCoy - Billionair.

Oh, dieses Gefühl ist echt zu beschreiben das ich fühle. *-* Es fühlt sich so gut an. Es macht mich glücklich! & ja das bin ich auch  - nur ich weiß warum. (: Die letzten Tage, die waren so wunderschön. *-* Ich möchte zurück spuhlen & alles nochmal erleben. Heute der Tag war auch wieder so einzigartig. Aber sie gehen immer so schnell vorbei, die Zeit rennt. 
-}"What day is it? And in what month? This clock never seemed so alive" Lifehouse - You & Me.

Love - Miss